Sunday 28 June 2020

We were inspired from our story and our partners and so we made our own  volcano

We accepted the challenges using Tangram and Geometrix. 
It was a fun activity for my students who love mathematics and geometry. Thank you.

We designed musical instruments from recycling materials. In fact, we dreamed of rhythm and singing with these musical instruments. However, this was not possible due to the pandemic.

Thanks to this amazing activity, we got to know the charming river of Poland, Vistula. Our students designed a bridge so that Simba and his friends could easily cross this river.

Endless thanks to Valantina teacher who turned our student Mirhan's tincercat work into a gift. We love all our partners and brothers in Greece. When Covid disappears, we really want to send them gifts we have designed with our hands.

Our project has been published on the official Twitter account of our school.